April 7, 2015

t r a v e l e r

It was Spring Break, but it was still cold. Our poor friends came all the way from Georgia to suffer through the cold weather. First we went to Mount Vernon, then went to West Virginia to visit Harpers Ferry. It was so much fun. Really quite amazing. I hope it was worth it for them, I know it was for me. I used to want to be a portrait photographer, now I may want to be a traveler photographer... just kidding, but I still had so much fun taking pictures.

Also, I know I've been doing a lot of photography-type post, but I would really like to do some more DIY stuff. (hint, hint) Just giving you a heads up!


  1. Cute! I would love more DIY stuff!
    And yes, it was worth it!

  2. I love all your photos! West Virginia is a beautiful place.


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