May 27, 2015

 I've finally made the decision, this is a photography blog. Now, I think I still want to make DIY posts, but for the most part this is a photography blog.
 I want my photos to speak louder then my words. I want them to tell untold stories, stories I could never paint with letters and words.
I want you to come here for inspiration. I'm not a writer, writing isn't my passion. But photography is and so that's what I want to be the main focus with this blog.

That is all for today. <3

May 20, 2015

flower crowns and friendship


May 8, 2015

buttercups and horses

It has been a wonderful week, full of surprises, and many other happy things.
One of those happy things happened today--horses and buttercups, farms and blue sky, warm and breezy.
Twice every month we gather at the Roger's farm and ride their horses. Another friend who boards here horse at Roger's farm teaches us.

There are seven of us and we all take turns with the horses and attempt to do school in between lessons, but we never do.
 that's Sammy^
He's a trooper, he's big, and he's outstandingly strong. We braid his mane and stuck buttercups in his halter and took way to many pictures of him.
We go on long walks through the fields and talk, and yes we take a bazillion pictures.  

...and pick a bazillion buttercups.

And here's a little sneak peek pic that will be in my next post^^
(it's about flower crowns)

 -have a beautiful week-