April 28, 2015

Snapping Away {Pictures from the last few days, No. 2}

Whew. This post is more going to be pictures from the last month, but since I made a post called "Snapping Away (Pictures from the last few days)" I thought I would make it a series. SO... here's "Snapping Away (Pictures from the last few days, No.2) ;)

 It has been amazingly crazy. Life, and school and everything in between. This month has been so beautiful, I mean the weather is amazing and it looks so lovely outside. But, I actually did wear a sweater today. I know, I know. It's not really sweater weather but I am extremely cold natured. I mean I was slightly toasty today, but for some reason my house is always cold. Always.
Here are some of the things I have enjoyed this month:
Letter writing (as shown below :D) 
plant photography (flowers, leaves, trees, etc.)

tulips (they are so happy and full of color)
water color paints (I usually prefer acrylic paint, but I've enjoyed  water color more lately)

school (to a certain extent, but I am quite fond of history and literature. I know the easy stuff. ;))

Also, as far as news go... My brother is graduating May, 16. Isn't that just amazing? He has been home schooled all the way through. (I really don't know how my mom does these things...) So, congrats to my wonderful brother! :)

I hope your April has been as splendid as mine!

Have a perfectly wonderful week!

a n d... (drum roll, please) I reached 2000 page views on my blog! Yay! So, thanks for all the page views, guys!


April 20, 2015

Paleo Smoothie Recipe

So, I have been on Paleo/Gaps diet for almost a year, and believe me it can be a challenge. Buttttt what some people don't know is that you can have perfectly delicious smoothies, just like everybody else. Actually I bet a lot of people know that. Oh, well.
This delicious recipe came into existence on a lovely Saturday that happened to be quite hot. I promised my family I would make a smoothie and this is what happened. They said it tasted 'grassy', I suppose that is because I put pea sprouts in there. Hey, it's healthy.
...don't forget to enjoy your smoothie!

April 13, 2015

-Sweetly Sixteen-

Earlier this month Maddie turned sixteen. For me this is kinda amazing. Maddie has always been one of my best friends, always there for me, always someone who will listen to me. Now she's getting older, becoming a grown up.
When we were little we would play dolls, we had our little families.  She was the aunt of my 'children', and I was the aunt of hers. Sweet memories.
We loved playing outside in our creek. Maddie and my older brother would catch fish in old yogurt containers that should have been thrown away a long time ago.
When my twin sister and I would try to tag along, we just would fall in the mud and get dirty.
I wanted to be like Maddie. I copied everything she did. When she would draw I would try my best to make my drawings look just like hers.
We had a great, big, furry, mop of a dog named Jack. We would run from tree to tree to escape from being knocked over by him.
We had a big trampoline. We loved that trampoline. Later on it was ruined when a tree fell over on it.
These memories are sweat, but things change. We get older, and I would never want to go back. I am just happy with holding these memories in my heart. Happy watching my older siblings grow up, becoming the people God is shaping them to be, doing the things they were made to.
So, anyway, Happy (very late) Birthday to my amazing, sweet older sister, Madeline.

April 11, 2015

Another Photoshoot--Wth my Friend Esther



On Friday it was too rainy. Things were cancelled because of the bad weather. Well, thankfully, the weather wasn't that bad and my friend, Esther, came over. So, Esther and I thought we could do a photo shoot together. Esther rocked her horse shirt and I grabbed my camera--and this is what happened. Well, anyway, good job, Esther at modeling! ;)
Also, thank you for the comments... for some reason I haven't been able to comment back (I don't know why). So I just wanted to thank you guys now. I love getting feed back on my posts.
Another thing, I did a photo shoot with my older sister today, so those pictures will be coming soon!!!
Bye! <3

April 10, 2015

Glorifying God--in everything we do

picture by me, please no stealing. pinning is allowed.                        


A topic that has always been hard for me is glorifying God. Not that it's hard exactly why we glorify Him, but for me, how?

I want to be the best at everything I do. At all my hobbies. My sister always says, there's going to be people who are better and people who are worse. I want to be the best. When I do a good job at something, when I have a success, or I make something really cool, my tendency is to proudly show everyone. I want them to say, "Wow, good job." When they do, I feel proudly embarrassed. But, that's wrong.
  How do I give God the glory?
By thanking Him. Thanking Him for the talents He's given me.
 But, it's hard because when someone says, "Good job on so, and so." I want to say, "Oh, thanks. I really enjoy so, and, so."
Without God we wouldn't have any talents at all. Technically, we wouldn't even be here.
God has given us these talents, we use them to glorify Him. By thanking Him for the talents He's given us.
What are some other ways we can glorify God? I'd appreciate feedback, because like I said this is a hard thing for me to remember to do.
Give God the glory, great things He has done.

April 7, 2015

t r a v e l e r

It was Spring Break, but it was still cold. Our poor friends came all the way from Georgia to suffer through the cold weather. First we went to Mount Vernon, then went to West Virginia to visit Harpers Ferry. It was so much fun. Really quite amazing. I hope it was worth it for them, I know it was for me. I used to want to be a portrait photographer, now I may want to be a traveler photographer... just kidding, but I still had so much fun taking pictures.

Also, I know I've been doing a lot of photography-type post, but I would really like to do some more DIY stuff. (hint, hint) Just giving you a heads up!