Yeah, it's been awhile.
And, yes, I have neglected this little blog.
And, yep, here I am again.
I honestly think that December is the busiest month of the year.
It was a wonderful Christmas, calm, relaxing, but then at the same time
busy and crazy.
January. January opens a new year. A fresh start.
This January I attempted (or, rather, I am attempting) the Whole 30 diet.
What is Whole 30?
Whole 30 is a diet designed to "clean out your system". For a month you don't eat any sugars, grains, or starches.
Why in the world would anyone do that?
During the Holidays I really had been eating a lot of junk and it wasn't effecting my body in a good way. For example, I have had severe eczema since I was 3 months old (eczema post
here ) the worse I eat the worse I feel and often that "worse-ness" comes out in my skin.
Solution? Whole 30--purifying your diet, therefore, cleaning out your system, which results (hopefully) in a healthy body and clear skin.
more about whole 30 here )
Bored yet? Ok, we're moving on.
We started school this week and already it feels like I've been doing school for
weeks. But I do love being busy again and waking up with a purpose and mission.
(As in study those Vocabulary words or die...)
Oh, yeah, and does anyone else have this problem? The problem when you really, really hate math, and there is just no way to motivate yourself to do the dreaded and hated math?
anyways. thanks for putting up with my ramblings.
see you next time