December 10, 2015

It's Been a Lovely November

Hello, you lovely reader. I'm back. After just about a month of not posting I'm back.
November was one of the most busiest months this year. Thanksgiving, my birthday, family, & friends. School has also been a headache, but for the most part I have really enjoyed my little 8th grade year so far. (But, of course that doesn't mean that I'm happy--more than happy--to be on break.)

Oh, yeah, and I said that my birthday is in November. So, for that my mom took me and my sister out to a Bed & Breakfast.
It was a blast, the B & B was yellow (which of course made me happy) and the actual breakfast was so yuuuummmmyyy (corn hash & poached eggs).
 One of the shops we found

 the outside of a little shop

I found a brick wall (my little sister took this picture of me)
 A new friend

 those eyes, though

 for my birthday I got some pretty awesome chucks--I absolutely love yellow--'nuff said

 I was part of the decorating crew for Thanksgiving--it was so much fun--and I drew all the placemats, 25 of them



How was your November?
Ah, yes, and now for Christmas.


  1. The horse and barncat look familiar! xD I love all the pictures
    Miss ya!

    1. Thank you!! Hehe, yess! Can't wait to see you winter break :)

  2. ooh! i love yellow! and converse! :D

    1. Yessss!!!! A lot of people think I'm crazy with my yellow obsession...

  3. Lovely! Happy birthday!! (my b-day's in November too :) )

    1. Thank you! (happy late birthday to you, too!)

  4. Anonymous11.12.15

    Beautiful pictures!The cat picture especially is really pretty.

  5. I really love these pictures, and I'm extremely jealous of your yellow chucks!
    p.s. I don't think I've ever mentioned to you how cute your blog design is! <3

    1. I always love getting comments from you, and this one made me especially happy!thank you! :)

  6. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  7. These pictures are stunning Caroline! You definitely captured the beauty of November. Great job! ♥


I love it when people comment on my blog, every comment makes my day. So again, thank you, thank you. <3