March 5, 2015

Snapping Away {pictures from the last few days}

Oh, hi there!
Today it sowed. Again. Actually, that's not bad at all. An excuse to take pictures. Yep, I'll take it.
Lately, I've been reading and doing school and taking pictures. My camera battery is low, and that's a sure sign that someone's been busy.

The good thing about homeschooling is sometimes you get to do school on your bed cuddled in a blanket.
But, that's kinda rare.

I was taking pictures like crazy, I went outside at around lunch time trudging around in out yard snapping away. I thought it was so cool how the snow stuck to the bark on this tree.

Branches. Quite lovely.

{taken by my sister}
If you look closely you'll see that my sister is holding the remains of a broken leash. Oh, and there's a golden little puff ball right behind her. We have a crazy dog.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
and miles to go before I sleep,
~Robert Frost
And the other part of this post. Welcome to my room.
Incase you haven't noticed it's pink and green.
But hopefully that will change.
Sometime, we would like to paint our room grey.
Here's our color inspirations:

The colors here are not wall colors, just the color them of my room. Notice, pink and green is not one of them. ;)
I told you guys that I liked to dream about the projects I'd like to do one day--yep, painting my room is one of them.
Well, there you go. That's what I've been doing lately. What  have you been doing?
Have a fan-tab-u-lious week!


  1. Beautiful photos of the snow!! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun taking those pics!!!

  2. Ha! I notice you changed your heading again. I never would have realized that if you hadn't wrote a blog post about it, but now... I know. Which heading has been your favorite so far?
    And what I am doing? School, lots of school. Trying to catch up. It's birthday week right now in our house (a birthday yesterday and one on Sunday!), so I'm also baking and eating cake. Waaaaay too much cake. Oh, and looking forward to going to Tea & Friends this afternoon and decorating cupcakes!!!

    1. Yes! We cant wait for cupcake decorating!!!!! That sounds crazy!

  3. Abigail Klazinga6.3.15

    So pretty! <3

  4. Beautiful pics!! :-) so I take it you DON'T like pink and green!! ;-) Here's a cool website that has different palettes of colors based on photos taken of nature. You may find some ideas for your room and other projects.

    1. Great website!

      I'm glad you enjoyed my pictures! ;)



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